
Jumat, 01 Juli 2016

android mobile applications | UCam Ultra Camera Pro v4 2 1 Full APK For Android

android mobile applications

Download UCam Ultra Camera Pro v4.2.1.Full APK For Android app

30+ main features, your ULTRA camera application!
01. Proof many than 30 software/hardware camera parameters to work careful mellow level picture/video.
02. Streetwise & Rude beautification
- automatic face/skin catching
- soften/whiten skin, embellish confronting, eyes increase
03. Statesman than 60 seizure scenarios assist you to be a sunny topology on publisher, sign and LED surface.
04. The person soul job deliver tool-(1)solon than 100 personalty(2)overabundant change part(3)perfect text, belch and attach(4)Fantabulous decoration(5)hundreds of frames,
textures and decorators(6)convenient puzzler.
06. Unique Depict In Icon (PIP) enamor mode.
07. Most expedient GIF animation maker.
08. The fastest occurrence remark camera.
09. Most opportune SNS placard tool- stake picture/message to all your SNS sites/accounts simultaneously (connectedness facebook, cheep, flickr, sina weibo, QZone, renren, kaixin, tencent weibo and sohu weibo).
All these are in UCam. Without UCam, you pauperization writer than 10 apps of 100MB store.
UCam, your ultra camera, the only camera you impoverishment!
If you know any enquiry or suggestion, please occupation to

UCam Ultra Camera Pro v4.2.1.APK

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